Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Worten's Good Print Test
Use your test paper to save lives. Instead of providing customers with the usual layouts to test the colours of their printers, Warton has developed something new. Rather than a cold bunch […]
Liebig's Eat your Tweet
Get a free sample of soup with your tweet in it. Eat Your Tweet is a social media operation in which the digital and the real meet. The hundreds of internet users who criticised the brand o […]
Knorr's Takeaway/Takeover
Scan junk food and get directed to the healthy one. Knorr's initiative allows to scan pictures of unhealthy, fast food and obtain recipes of healthy alternatives to the meal scanned or even […]
KLM's Smart Pack Assistant
A service bot that assists passengers to pack their bags. Based on artificial intelligence it uses information such as destination, duration of the trip and local weather, to offer passeng […]