Ask Lidl when s the quietest time to shop. As an attempt to provide a solution for the snaking queues, Lidl has launched a WhatsApp chatbot in Ireland, with which customers can converse, an […]
Scan your bills and find out what you can buy. Mercado Libre challenged the idea of using e-commerce only for buying expensive gifts. Teaming up with Facebook, the retailer developed an aug […]
Target customers while they tap the competition. Rakbank has recently launched a new fast-food service. To make sure the right audience was reached, the brand used polygon targeting to send […]
Scan junk food and get directed to the healthy one. Knorr's initiative allows to scan pictures of unhealthy, fast food and obtain recipes of healthy alternatives to the meal scanned or even […]
Share the story of your purchases. Mercado Libre, an Argentinian e-commerce website, launched a campaign through which users can create stories according to the products they buy. Each prod […]
Avocados from Mexico is a brand that supplies avocados on delivery to individual customers. On its website it is possible to find inspirational recipes of any kind. Once the meal has been c […]