Post Nord - Receiver end

What is this?

The parcel is automatically added based on phone number or email used at purchase; you can instantly see sender information location and expected delivery – both in writing at by an graph; once in Post Nord’s hands you can see the size and wight of the parcel so you can coordinate pick up appropriately; you can send a waiver for someone else to pick it up. The data is saved for a future reference.

Why is it interesting?

Its a consumer friendly experience as limited actions needed to be taken; the consumer does not need to worry about when it arrives or how big it is – it is served to them. The visualisation is a nice touch. In theory post nord could use this information – typical vendors, typical size of packages, pick up time etc. to personalise the pick up experience even further + recommend vendors based on delivery length + recommend pick up locations based on frequency for the consumer OR estimate which pick up locations have the lowest load (avoid selecting a pick up location without capacity). If Post Nord was involved in retailing, it could based on past purchases recommend other retailers or items.