DBA's Search Agent

What is this?

Den BlĂ„ Avis (the blue newspaper), a first of it’s kind ebay like danish company and peer-to-peer selling service, uses their listings filter to promote users to save the filter and surveil whenever a new listing that mathces the filter is posted and notifies me immediately when it happens. Just like an agent who helps me get offers I might be interested in.

Why is it interesting?

DBA make use of their filter feature and with a simple alert rule, DBA is able to notify a user as soon as a new listing appears within the filter criteria set by the user.
DBA conceptualises this service by calling it a ‘search agent’ and allows their users set up multiple search agents. Its very easy for their customers to understand why and how they should use it. This is trigger is set up by the customer and not by the business, why the customer will expect this notification.This examples is related to communications preferences in the way that the company asks the customer what kind of comms they want rather than calculating it.